Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mommy's Gourment Pumpkin Buns

Pumpkin buns! These are not the pumpkin buns I was expecting. These were bought on a spree in the frozen section at Kam Man. I've never had this brand before, so I didn't realize they were pumpkin-flavored dough, not pumpkin-filled. So, these are just bready dough balls. The flavor was simple, with a little bit more grain flavor than the regular dough but not very pumpkin-y. I think these will not be ending up in our shopping cart again, sorry, Mommy.

Score: 2/5 - Bland flavor, good texture, tasty with sauces.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Cha Gio Chay Spring Rolls

There's two different brands of spring rolls here, both bought frozen from Kam Man, but I am reviewing them together because they are pretty identical, to the point that I wondered if they were the same thing just packaged with different labels. The skin for these is very thin, not doughy at all, and crisped up to a brittle plasticky texture on the outer-most layer. I know that doesn't sound appealing, but I enjoyed the crispyness. The filling was pasty and grainy, with a tiny amount of vegetables. I guess it's mostly taro and grain? One of my companions described the flavor and texture as "millet-y". Mushy and lumpy and on the dry side, the spring roll filling did give a bit of an "animal food" vibe. I can't say these were a hit with anyone present.

My friend modeling the second box of nearly identical spring rolls, "Willis" brand.

Score: 2/5 - The only good feature of these rolls were the skin wrapper. Without sauces they would be intolerably bland and lumpy. Still, they were inoffensive rather than offensive.

Updated Score: 1.5/5 - Truly, finishing the packages was like torture... So I am revising down. (Maybe that's a 1?)