These Gong De Lin mushroom buns are pretty good! They are on the large side, with fluffy dough. The filling proportion is reasonable, and the filling does escape a bit but it's not bad considering that the filling is chopped veggies. The title is a little misleading, as the dominant part of the filling is greens, spinach-y cabbage-y greens, with a little bit of mushroom thrown in. It's all cooked relatively evenly with no hard weird bits, unlike some of the other greens buns. The flavor is good overall, but it's simple. I cooked these in the steamer, but they are big enough that they touch the bottom of the lid!
Score: 4/5 - These are a great example of the typical "greens" dumplings, which is not a super exciting thing, but a tasty solid choice none the less.
Hello: Thank you for these reviews. I am also taste-testing all the vegan and veggie dim sum products at H-Mart. I have discovered the the air fryer is the best way to cook everything. I usually thaw overnight. Then cook for four to seven minutes. Usually throw in some mushrooms to roast in the air fryer at the same time. Looks like you are no longer actively blogging, but wanted you to know that readers are stilling finding your site.